Türkçe Altyazılı Stand-Up Gösterileri Veri Tabanı
bill cosby - himself (1983)

bill hicks - relentless (1992)
bill hicks - revelations (1993)

bill maher - the decider (2007)

cheech and chong - hey watch this (2010)

chris rock - bigger & blacker (1999)
chris rock - never scared (2004)
chris rock - kill the messenger (2008)

comedy central presents pablo francisco (2000)
comedy central roast of charlie sheen (2011)
comedy central roast of james franco (2013)

dane cook - vicious circle (2006)
dane cook - rough around the edges (2007)

doug stanhope - no refunds (2007)

dylan moran - like, totally (2006)
dylan moran - yeah yeah (2011)

eddie izzard - glorious (1997)
eddie izzard - dress to kill (1999)

george carlin - playıng with your head (1986)
george carlin - what am i doing in new jersey (1988)
george carlin - doin' it again (1990)
george carlin - jammın' in new york (1992)
george carlin - back in town (1996)
george carlin - you are all dıseased (1999)
george carlin - complaints and grievances (2001)
george carlin - life is worth losing (2005)
george carlin - it's bad for ya! (2008)

jeff dunham - arguing with myself (2006)
jeff dunham - spark of insanıty (2007)
jeff dunham - very special christmas special (2008)
jeff dunham - controlled chaos (2011)

jerry seinfeld - i'm telling you for the last time (1998)

jim jefferies - i swear to god (2009)

jim norton - monster rain (2007)

kevin hart - let me explain (2003)

louis c.k. - chewed up (2008)
louis c.k. - hilarious (2010)
louis c.k. - live at the beacon theater (2011)
louis c.k. - oh my god (2013)
louis c.k. - live at the comedy store (2015)

richard pryor - live on the sunset strip (1982)
richard pryor - here and now (1983)

ricky gervais - live animals (2003)
ricky gervais - live 2 politics (2004)
ricky gervais - out of england 2 (2010)

robin williams - weapons of self destruction (2009)

rowan atkinson - live (1992)

sarah silverman - jesus is magic (2005)

simon amstell - do nothing (2010)

Bir başka Sözlük yazarı "per aspera ad astra"nın da eklemeleri var.
george carlin: on location at usc (1977)
george carlin: on location at phoenix (1978)
dana carvey - straight white male, 60 (2016)
jimmy carr - funny business (2016)
tom segura - mostly stories (2016)
demetri martin - live (at the time) (2015)
john mulaney - the comeback kid (2015)
stephen fry live: more fool me (2014)
dave chappelle - killin' them softly (2000)
not: altyazıları çevirenlere de çok teşekkürler. onların emeği sayesinde izleyebiliyoruz.
bu başlığı okuyan çevirmenler için bir ricamız olacak. daha yeni olan gösterilerin çevirmelerine abanırken sağlam komedyenlerin gösterilerini ihmal etmemek iyi olur diye düşünüyoruz. bazılarına ağırlık verilebilir belki. chris rock, eddie izzard, billy connolly, eddie murphy, janeane garofalo, dave chapelle gibi.