Dünya Sinemasına Damga Vuran Yönetmenlerin Favori Filmleri
ingmar bergman

1. the outlaw and his wife (victor sjostrom, 1918)
2. the phantom carriage (victor sjostrom, 1921)
3. der letzte mann (f. w. murnau, 1924)
4. the saga of gosta bergling (mauritz stiller, 1924)
5. faust (f. w. murnau, 1926)
6. sunrise (f. w. murnau, 1927)
7. the possion of joan of arc (carl theodor dreyer, 1928)
8. the circus (charlie chaplin, 1928)
9. cezayir batakhaneleri (julien duvivier, 1937)
10. hotel du nord (marcel carne, 1938)
11. port of shadows (marcel carne, 1938)
12. le jour se leve (marcel carne, 1939)
13. rashomon (akira kurosawa, 1950)
14. sunset boulevard (billy wilder, 1950)
15. diary of country priest (robert bresson, 1951)
16. m. hulot’s holiday (jacques tati, 1953)
andrey tarkovski

1- le journal d’un curé de campagne (robert bresson, 1951)
2- winter light (ıngmar bergman, 1963)
3- nazarin (luis buñuel, 1959)
4- wild strawberries (ıngmar bergman, 1957)
5- city lights (charlie chaplin, 1931)`
6- ugetsu monogatari (kenji mizoguchi, 1953)
7- shichinin no samurai (akira kurosawa, 1954)
8- persona (ıngmar bergman, 1966)
9- mouchette (robert bresson, 1967)
10- suna no onna (hiroshi teshigahara, 1964)
david lynch

1- 8 1/2 (federico fellini)
2- sunset boulevard (billy wilder)
3- mr. hulot’s holiday (jacques tati)
4- rear window (alfred hitchcock)
5- ıt’s a gift (norman z. mcleod)
6- the apartment (billy wilder)
7- la strada (federico fellini)
8- lolita (stanley kubrick)
9- the wizard of oz (victor fleming)
10- stroszek (werner herzog)
francis ford coppola

ashes and diamonds (1958, andrzej wajda)
the best years of our lives (1946, william wyler)
ı vitteloni (1953, federico fellini)
the bad sleep well (1960, akira kurosawa)
yojimbo (1961, akira kurosawa)
singin’ ın the rain (1952, stanley donen & gene kelly)
the king of comedy (1983, martin scorsese)
raging bull (1980, martin scorsese)
the apartment (1960s, billy wilder)
sunrise (1927, f.w. murnau)
michael haneke

10. l’eclisse (1962)
9. germany, year zero (1948)
8. a woman under the ınfluence (1974)
7. psycho (1960)
6. the gold rush (1925)
5. the exterminating angel (1962)
4. salò, or the 120 days of sodom (1975)
3. the mirror (1975)
2. lancelot of the lake (1974)
1. au hasard balthazar (1966)
federico fellini

1. the circus (1928)
2. herhangi bir marx kardeşler veya laurel ve hardy
3. stagecoach (1939)
4. rashomon (1950)
5. the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie (1972)
6. 2001* (1968)
7. paisan (1946)
8. the birds (1963)
9. wild strawberries (1957)
10. 8½ (1963)
orson welles

1. city lights (1931 – charles chaplin)
2. greed (1924 – erich von stroheim)
3. ıntolerance (1916 – d.w. griffith)
4. nanook of the north (1922 – robert flaherty)
5. sciuscià (shoe shine) (1946 – vittorio de sica)
6. the battleship potemkin (1925 – sergei eisenstein)
7. la femme du boulanger (the baker’s wife) (1938 – marcel pagnol)
8. la grande ıllusion (the grand ıllusion) (1937 – jean renoir)
9. stagecoach (1939 – john ford)
10. our daily bread (1934 – king vidor)
akira kurosawa

1. broken blossoms or the yellow man and the girl (griffith, 1919) usa
2. das cabinet des dr. caligari [the cabinet of dr. caligari] (wiene, 1920) germany
3. dr. mabuse, der spieler – ein bild der zeit [dr. mabuse, the gambler] (lang, 1922) germany
4. the gold rush (chaplin, 1925) usa
5. la chute de la maison usher [the fall of the house of usher] (jean epstein, 1928) france
6. un chien andalou [an andalusian dog] (bunuel, 1928) france
7. morocco (von sternberg, 1930) usa
8. der kongress tanzt (charell, 1931) germany
9. die 3groschenoper [the threepenny opera] (pabst, 1931) germany
10. leise flehen meine lieder [lover divine] (forst, 1933) austria/germany
11. the thin man (dyke, 1934) usa
12. tonari no yae-chan [my little neighbour, yae] (shimazu, 1934) japan
13. tange sazen yowa hyakuman ryo no tsubo [sazen tange and the pot worth a million ryo] (yamanaka, 1935) japan
14. akanishi kakita [capricious young men] (ıtami, 1936) japan
15. la grande ıllusion [the grand ıllusion] (renoir, 1937) france
(100'e kadar gidiyor)
woody allen

bicycle thieves (1948, vittorio de sica)
the seventh seal (1957, ıngmar bergman)
citizen kane (1941, orson welles
amarcord (1973, federico fellini
8 ½ (1963, federico fellini)
the 400 blows (1959, francois truffaut)
rashomon (1950, akira kurosawa)
la grande ıllusion (1937, jean renoir)
the discreet charm of the bourgeoisie (1972, luis bunuel)
paths of glory (1957, stanley kubrick)
guillermo del toro

frankenstein (1931, james whale)
freaks (1932, todd browning)
shadow of a doubt (1943, alfred hitchcock)
greed (1925, erich von stroheim)
modern times (1936, charlie chaplin)
la belle et la bete (1946, jean cocteau)
goodfellas (1990, martin scorsese)
los olvidados (1950, luis bunuel)
nosferatu (1922, f.w. murnau)
8 ½ (1963, federico fellini)
martin scorsese

8 1/2 (1963, federico fellini)
2001* (1968, stanley kubrick)
ashes and diamonds (1958, andrzej wajda)
citizen kane (1941, orson welles)
the leopard (1963, luchino visconti)
palsa (1946, roberto rossellini)
the red shoes (1948, michael powell & emeric pressburger)
the river (1951, jean renoir)
salvatore giuliano (1962, francesco rosi)
the searchers (1956, john ford)
ugetsu monogatari (1953, kenji mizoguchi)
vertigo (1958, alfred hitchcock)
pedro almodovar

1. the night of the hunter (1955)
2. the rules of the game (1939)
3. all about eve (1950)
4. leave her to heaven (1945)
5. north by northwest (1959)
6. out of the past (1947)
7. midnight (1939)
8. some like ıt hot (1959)
9. touch of evil (1958)
10. senso (1954)
11. journey to ıtaly (1954)
12. opening night (1977)
13. the apartment (1960)
14. to be or not to be (1942)
15. el (1953)
george lucas

1. metropolis (1927)
2. stagecoach (1939)
3. the searchers (1956)
4. rashômon (1950)
5. ıkiru (1952)
6. seven samurai (1954)
7. the bridge on the river kwai (1957)
8. the hidden fortress (1958)
9. the blob (1958)
10. yojimbo (1961)
11. dr. strangelove (1964)
12. the good, the bad and the ugly (1966)
13. 2001* (1968)
14. planet of the apes (1968)
15. a clockwork orange (1971)
wes anderson

1. madame de… (1953)
2. au hasard balthazar (1966)
3. buta to gunkan (1961)
4. la prise de pouvoir par louis xıv (1966)
5. the spy who came in from the cold (1965)
6. the friends of eddie coyle (1973)
7. classe tous risques (1960)
8. l’enfance nue (1968)
9. mishima* (1985)
10. el ángel exterminador (1962)
quentin tarantino

the good, the bad & the ugly (1966, sergio leone)
apocalypse now (1979, francis ford coppola)
the bad news bears (1976, michael ritchie)
carrie (1976, brian depalma)
dazed and confused (1993, richard linklater)
the great escape (1963, john sturges)
his girl friday (1940, howard hawks)
jaws (1975, steven spielberg)
pretty maids all ın a row (1971, roger vadim)
rolling thunder (1977, john flynn)
sorcerer (1977, william friedkin)
taxi driver (1976, martin scorsese)
michael mann

1. apocalypse now (1979)
2. battleship potemkin (1925)
3. citizen kane (1941)
4. avatar (2009)
5. dr. strangelove (1964)
6. biutiful (2010)
7. my darling clementine (1946)
8. the passion of joan of arc (1928)
9. raging bull (1980)
10. the wild bunch (1969)
christopher nolan

1. the hit (1984)
2. 12 angry men (1957)
3. the thin red line (1998)
4. das testament des dr. mabuse (1933)
5. bad timing (1980)
6. marry christmas mr. lawrence (1983)
7. for all mankind (1989)
8. koyaanisqatsi (1983)
9. the complete mr. arkadin (1955)
10. greed (1924)
danny boyle
1. apocalypse now (1979)
2. the bicycle thief (1948)
3. the wrong trousers (1993)
4. au revoir les enfants (1987)
5. eureka (1983)
john carpenter

1. only angels have wings (1939)
2. rio bravo (1959)
3. citizen kane (1941)
4. vertigo (1958)
5. blow-up (1966)
james cameron

1. the wizard of oz (1939)
2. dr. strangelove (1964)
3. 2001: a space odyssey (1968)
4. the godfather (1972)
5. taxi driver (1976)
tim burton

1. dracula a.d. 1972 (1972)
2. the wicker man (1974)
3. the golden voyage of sinbad (1973)
4. the war of the gargantuas (1970)
5. the omega man (1971)

1- les diabolique - henri-georges clouzot
2-m - fritz lang
3- the man who knew too much - alfred hitchcock
4- viridiana - luis bunuel
5- murnau filmleri (alman dışavurumcu filmler)