EDEBİYAT 1 Temmuz 2021
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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün Okuduğu 124 Kitabın PDF'i

İstanbul Üniversitesi, ''Atatürk'le Okumak'' projesi kapsamında Mustafa Kemal Atatürk'ün okuduğu kitaplardan 124 adedini PDF formatında internete yükledi.

ulu önderimiz mustafa kemal atatürk, veciz ifadelerinden birinde "beni görmek demek, mutlaka yüzümü görmek değildir. benim fikirlerimi, benim duygularımı anlıyorsanız ve hissediyorsanız bu kâfidir” diyor. bu itibarla, atatürk'ün okuduğu kitapları okuyarak, fikirlerini yakından tanıyabilir, duygularını anlayabilir ve onu hissedebiliriz. 

aşağıdaki listede, atatürk'le okumak projesi kapsamında internete aktarılan 124 eserin isimleri ve online erişim linkleri bulunmaktadır. atatürk tarafından okunan eserler günümüzde, istanbul üniversitesi nadir eserler kütüphanesi'nde muhafaza edilmektedir.

atatürk'ün okuduğu kitaplar


die türken und wir

die türken und wir nach dem kriege

deutschland in vorderasien

das verdict der thatsachen

the evil of the east

warhafftige beschreibunge aller

turkey old and new

the turkish empire

türkische geschichten

türkische historien

geschichte der türken

die eroberung von konstantinopel durch die kreuzfahrer im jahre 1204

the sultan and his subjects

life on the bosphorus: doing in the city of the sultan

die macedonische frage

the sassoun rebellion

türkische schriften aus dem archive des palatins" nikolaus esterhazy

the passing of the turkish empire in europe

aus dem feldzuge in thessalien 1897

with the turks in tripoli

the eastern question

the crimean war

the invasion of the crimea

the invasion of the crimea

the invasion of the crimea

the invasion of the crimea

the invasion of the crimea

the invasion of the crimea

the invasion of the crimea

armenia and the campaign of 1877

cassell`s history of the russo-turkish war

darf russland einen angriff auf den bosporus wagen?

the battlefields of thessaly

the greeks in asia minor

a defence of russia and the christians of turkey

aus dem thessalischen feldzug der türkei frühjahr 1897

with the turkish army in thessaly

defence of russia and the christians of turkey

the sultan and the powers

streiflichter auf die welt-politik

the general histoire of the turkes

the general histoire of the turkes

die heutige historie oder der gegenwärtige staat des türkischen

die orientalische frage in den jahren 1838-1841

turkey ancient and modern

geschichte des osmanischen reiches

geschichte des osmanischen reiches

the history of the turks

the story of the nations turkey

turkey or a history of the origin progress and decline of the otoman empire

history of the ottoman turks

the eastern crisis of 1897 and british policy in the near east

geschichte des osmanischen reiches grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten handschriften und archiven

geschichte des osmanischen reiches grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten handschriften und archiven

geschichte des osmanischen reiches grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten handschriften und archiven

geschichte des osmanischen reiches grossentheils aus bisher unbenützten handschriften und archiven

das orientalische problem zur zeit der entstehung des türkischen reiches nach venezianischen quellen

das orientalische problem zur zeit der entstehung des türkischen reiches nach venezianischen quellen

the grande turke


ausgewählte diplomatische aktenstücke zur orientalischen frage.- gotha

fachr ed-dîn der drusenfürst und seine zeitgenossen

abbildung des türkischen hofes nach dem gemälden

the eastern question: an address to working men

the future of turkey

die syrische expedition im jahre 1840 und österreichs beteiligung daran

the twelve year's reign of his imperial majesty abdul hamid ıı.

correspondence respecting the affairs of turkey and the insurrection in bosnia and the herzegovina

correspondence respecting the objections raised by populations inhabiting turkish provinces against the territorial cahnges proposed in the preliminary treaty

sultan murad v

correspondence respecting the montenegrin frontier

correspondence respecting the condition of the populations in asiatic turkey and the proceedings in the case of moussa bey

the proposed political legal and social reforms in the otoman empire and other mohammadan states

is turkey progressing?

the armenian crisis and the rule of the turk

the otoman empire of the twentieth century

correspondence respecting the affairs of south-eastern europe

correspondence respecting the affairs of south-eastern europe

correspondence respecting the affairs of south-eastern europe

correspondence (further) respecting the affairs of south-eastern europe

the east end of europe

the fall of abd-ul-hamid

adventures of war with cross and crescent

with the conqured turk

the inner history of the balkan war

with the zionists in gallipoli

with the turks in palestine

war journal of the second russian fortress artillery regiment of erzéroum from its formation until the recapture of erzéroum by the ottoman army

syrien im krieg

geschichte des osmanischen reiches

lord palmerston and the rejuvenation of turkey

the moslem and the christian

the moslem and the christian

the moslem and the christian

mémoires du comte de bonneval

the sultan and his subjects

la question d`orient au xvıııe

l`évolution de l`humanité

tableau général de l`empire othoman

atlas de géographic historique

l`education morale. advertissement de paul fauconnet. collection:

l`éducation morale dans l`université

histoire du commerce français dans le levant au xvıııe siècle

l`allemagne audessus de tout"" la mentalité allemande et la guerre

de la division du travail social

das türken volk in seinen ethnologischen und ethnographischen beziehungen

kanunname-i âli osman

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

evliya çelebi seyahatnamesi

evliya çelebi seyahatnamesi

tarih-i osmani encümeni mecmuası

mecmua-i münşeat`üs-selatin feridun bey

mecmua-i münşeat`üs-selatin feridun bey

devlet-i osmaniye tarihi

tarih-i sultan mehmed han-ı sani



atatürk'ün okuduğu kitaplar, bu yazıya konu olan 124 eserle sınırlı değildir. daha ayrıntılı bilgi edinmek isteyenler, gürbüz tüfekçi'nin atatürk'ün okuduğu kitapları ve üzerlerindeki el yazılı notlarını konu alan iki önemli çalışmasına pdf olarak online erişimle ulaşabilmektedir. 

atarük'ün okuduğu türkçe kitaplar
atatürk'ün okuduğu yabancı dildeki kitaplar
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