KÜLTÜR 27 Nisan 2016
36,2b OKUNMA     1234 PAYLAŞIM

Hemen Her Gün Kullandığımız Kısaltmaların Açılımları

Günlük hayatımızda sürekli kullandığımız, artık kısaltma değil, kelime haline gelen kısaltmaların açılımlarını Sözlük yazarı "in the cage" toparlamış.

ufku iki katına çıkarmasa da bazı kısaltmalar ve açılımlarını sizlere sunuyorum.

Evrensel kısaltmalar.

eu - european union

fbı- federal bureau of investigation

cıa- central intelligence agency

nypd- new york police department

who- world health organization

uefa- union of european football associations

fıfa- fédération ınternationale de football association

ımdb- internet movie database

ıban- international bank account number

ımf- international monetary fund

ea- electronics arts

pes- pro evolution soccer

aıds- acquired immune deficiency syndrome

hıv- human immunodeficiency virus

ıq- intelligence quotient

ios- iphone operating system

lan- local area network

cc- carbon copy

bcc- blind carbon copy

p.s- post script

ba- bachelor of arts

bs- bachelor of science

phd- doctor of philosophy

mba- master of business administration

mıt- massachusetts institute of technology

sat- scholastic aptitude test

toefl- test of english as a foreign language

vıp- very important person

cv- curriculum vitae

Günlük hayatta sık sık kullandıklarımız.

atm- automated teller machine

wc- water closet

tnt- tri nitro toluene

pvc- poly vinyl chloride

dj- disk jokey

tır- transports internationonaux routiers

lpg- liquefied petroleum gas

ufo- unidentified flying object

ceo- chief executive officer

lol- laugh-out-loud ya da league of legends

wtf- what the fuck

wb- world bank

wto- world trade organization

up- united press

ıoc- international olympic committee

ıso- international standardization organization

cccp- combined community codec pack

nasa- national aeronautics and space administration

nato- north atlantic treaty organization

unesco- united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization

unicef- united nations ınternational children's emergency fund

nafta- north american free trade agreement

opec- organization of the petroleum exporting countries

oecd- organization for economic co-operation and development

un- united nations

cern- conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire

eac- east african community

gmo- genetically modified organism

itu- international telecommunications union

oas- organization of american states

.com- top level domain for commerce

.edu- top level domain for education

.gov- top level domain for governments

.net- top level domain for network providers

.org- top level domain for non-profit organizations